Back-to-school season can bring mixed emotions. On one hand, it’s a return to a more normal schedule and routine. And, on the other hand, we’re saying farewell to a less structured summer. We’ll miss lingering over our coffee for a few extra minutes. Now, it’s a race to pack lunches, get teeth brushed, find shoes, and get kids out the door.
It’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the new school year. The shopping alone can wear you out. Have you ever driven all over town in search of a purple folder with three clasps and two pockets?
Instead of worrying over school supply lists, Pinterest-packed school lunches, and filling out a mountain of back-to-school paperwork, what if we hit pause?
Here at Sakura Winery, we’re all about savoring the moment. And this new season with our children is truly a moment to savor. Wouldn’t you agree?
Yes, it sounds crazy to think about slowing down just as our lives are picking up steam (homework, after-school activities, sports practices). But let’s grab a few moments, little snippets of time we can savor. Don’t let these precious moments with your children whiz by.
Here are some ideas for savoring the back-to-school moments:

1. Talk about the upcoming school year. Over dinner, have a meaningful conversation with your kids about the new year and how they’re feeling. This is especially important if your kids are entering a new school season, such as starting middle or high school. Are they excited? Nervous? Do they have goals for the year? Something new they want to try? Talk it out!
2. Discuss the family schedule. The calendar can fill up fast. Your kids might be part of after-school activities, sports teams, community or volunteer activities, or any number of things. It’s easy for at least one family member to have plans almost every night of the week. Determine as a family how to create a schedule that’s fulfilling but not overflowing.

Build in beaks, family dinners, and rest time. Don’t forget to leave enough time for homework and school projects. You need time together as a family, so be careful not to let your calendar take over.

3. Plan your fun. Designate Fridays as pizza and board game night. Take a family bike ride on Saturday or fine a local festival to attend over the weekend. You don’t want your schedule to be all work and no play.
Everyone works hard during the week – whether it’s on conference calls or in classrooms – so make time for fun as much as possible. Remember, it doesn’t have to be expensive or complicated. Going out for ice cream or visiting the local park counts too!
4. Soak up this season. As parents, it’s so easy to approach the back-to-school season with a to-do list. Take a minute to stop and truly pay attention to this particular season. Your child might be starting kindergarten or high school or even going off to college. These are firsts you won’t ever have again. Don’t rush through them.

5. Take a minute to catch your breath. We tend to shoulder the weight of school shopping, packing lunches and making sure everyone has their backpack packed and brushes their teeth. And, we can’t forget the ubiquitous first day of school photos on the front porch!
Congratulate yourself for a job well done! Maybe you sent your last baby off to college or you dropped your first baby at the kindergarten classroom door. Enjoy a second cup of coffee in a quiet house, relax on the couch that evening with a glass of wine (we can help with that!), or simply sit with your feelings.
It’s A-OK to hit pause. Don’t worry, you can hunt down that purple folder with three clasps and two pockets tomorrow.